The social media accounts operated by Mercy Health provide opportunities to interact with communities of people who share an interest in Mercy Health and its services. All are welcome and encouraged to participate with Mercy Health social accounts and pages. However, we ask community members to treat each other with respect and to adhere to the guidelines listed here as well as the terms of service of the various social media providers.

By viewing or participating in these pages, you agree to accept these terms and conditions of use. Please remember:

· Respect –It’s ok to disagree with other members of the community, but please remember to be respectful of others’ opinions or your posts may be subject to removal.

· Stay on topic. Please, only comments that reflect the topic of the post or the purpose of the page.

· Spam will be removed. Comments focused on selling a product or service or posted just to drive traffic to a particular website for personal, political, or monetary gain, will be taken down.

· Patient privacy will be maintained. If there are posts that violate a patient’s privacy, they will be taken down.

Mercy Health does not discriminate against any users who participate with its social accounts and reserves the right to report or remove from its pages any content deemed inappropriate for any reason, including, but not limited to:

· Vulgarity or obscenity

· Personal attacks or language that can be interpreted as hate speech (ex: racism, sexism, homophobia, etc.)

· Abusive, off-topic, offensive or unlawful content

· Invasion of privacy

· Third-party solicitation

· Violation of any intellectual property rights of another

Anyone who repeatedly posts inappropriate material will be banned from participating in Mercy Health social communities.

We do not endorse and are not responsible for the accuracy of any information, opinions, claims, or advice shared by community members on Mercy Health social platforms.


Mercy Health does not give medical advice, diagnoses, etc. over social media platforms. If you are experiencing an emergency, please call 911. Please remember, the information provided on social media channels is informational only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or direction. Please consult your health care provider for advice about a specific medical condition. Please do not use this site to provide specific information related to your symptoms, condition, ongoing treatment or other specific health care information.