Frequently Asked Questions – Internal Medicine Residency at St. Vincent Medical Center

How do I apply?

Applications will be accepted only through the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS). Our deadline for receipt of applications is December 15. See our program IDs.

What are the application requirements?

We require a medical school Dean’s letter and transcript, three letters of recommendations as well as a letter from the Chair of the Department of Medicine, if available. In addition, USMLE scores, curriculum vitae and a personal statement are required. First attempt pass for USMLE Step 1 and 2 is preferred.

Do you accept International Medical Graduates? Are there additional requirements?

Yes, we do. St. Vincent Medical Center has a very diverse medical staff. Find more information on IMG applicants here.

Do you offer pre-match positions?

We do not offer pre-match at St. Vincent Medical Center. All positions are filled through the match process.

What is the selection process like?

Due to the large volume of applicants, applications are initially screened for our preferred requirements. Those applications meeting all requirements are then reviewed by a committee for interview offers. We strongly recommend that you apply early. If you are selected for interview you will be contacted by the Program Coordinator.

When do interviews begin?

We begin the interview process in mid-October and run through January.

What is the schedule for an interview day?

The average interview process begins at approximately 7:30 a.m., starting with a slide presentation from a chief resident, followed by a question and answer period until approximately 9 a.m. The applicants will then interview with a panel consisting of the program director, associate program director, core faculty and a chief resident via Zoom. We are looking for well-qualified, mature team players. Once the interview season is completed, applicants are ranked through NRMP and match will occur in March.