Frequently Asked Questions — Pharmacy Ambulatory Residency at St. Vincent Medical Center

Are there other pharmacy residents at Mercy Health – St. Vincent Medical Center?

In addition to the PGY 2 ambulatory care resident, there is a PGY 2 critical care resident and three PGY 1 pharmacy residents.

Would you early commit a PGY 1 resident to the PGY 2 ambulatory care resident position?

Yes, we would consider an interested current PGY 1 St. Vincent resident for early commitment of the PGY 2 ambulatory care resident position.

Can new learning experiences be created?

Residents may request a new/different elective blocked learning experiences, if the resident expresses interest in an area that the residency program may not provide for adequate experiences based on preferences. Feasibility of accommodating such a request will be reviewed initially by the residency program director and then presented to the Residency Advisory Committee (RAC) for further review and final approval.

How do research projects get selected at your site?

The PGY 2 ambulatory care residency research project is done using a “flipped” project model. Each January, the “current” resident will begin the yearly resident project. The “new” resident, in July, will complete that year’s project by finishing data collection, analyzing collected data, drawing project conclusions, completing project manuscript and then possible submitting for publication. In 2024-2025, the research project will follow a traditional project timeline.

When deciding on residency project, the resident can identify a project idea or solicit ideas from program preceptors. Projects can either be clinical or quality in nature.

When does the residency year begin?

The residency year begins on July 1.

What is the service/staffing requirement?

The PGY 2 resident staffs half-day per week in the Mercy Health St. Vincent Outpatient Pharmacy. Pharmacy staffing which includes dispensing, MTM opportunities, adherence packaging and Meds 2 Bed program.